Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Barry Donadio Is Holding A Book Signing On March 28th 2020

Celbrity Author Barry Donadio (photo by Matthew Abbott)
Celebrity Author Barry Donadio will have a public book signing event in Bohemia, New York on March 28th 2020 at 6pm.
Celebrity Author Barry Donadio will be conducting a book signing for his 2nd published book “That Day When Hell Froze Over” which was released in August of 2019.

Books will be sold at a discounted rate of $10 per soft cover book and will be signed by Barry Donadio in person. There will also be photo opportunities with the author.

Barry Donadio gained fame when he published his book “TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account” in September of 2013. Since then, he has been busy when he entered politics and by leading his private security firm. He has also sanctioned himself as an advocate for military veterans and he is vocal with his support of the second amendment.
Donadio’s new book “That Day When Hell Froze Over” is a fiction that takes place over a thousand years ago in present-day Afghanistan and Iran. It is a mystical depiction of warfare of that time with interesting characters. An elite force of newly created catholic knights are created by the Pope. They are ordered by him to drive deep into enemy territory on a secret mission. They are sent as far as modern day Iran. The knights were the best trained and most discipline that the Vatican had at the time. They encounter many dangers along their expedition. The most dangerous thing that they encounter is a small group of female virgins from the region of Afghanistan. The Knights are forced to battle the dammed of Hell, including Satan himself.
After some setbacks in a battle against some of Satan’s demons, the Angel Gabriel appears and arms the knights with modern weapons and the knowledge to use them. Satan becomes gravely concern as his demons begin to fall in numbers at the hand of the Pope’s knights.
Donadio published his new book in the form of paperback and ebook through is firm Public Security LLC.
“That Day When Hell Froze Over”, has been assigned ISBN: 9781731512833 and can be purchased on Amazon.
Keep updated by visiting Barry Donadio’s official website Barry Donadio’s Facebook page or his official Twitter page

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Spada Furtiva? Who Are They?

Barry Donadio's book "That Day When Hell Froze Over"

The Spada Furtiva is an imaginary group of catholic warriors recruited by the Pope that appear in Barry Donadio’s fiction book “That Day When Hell Froze Over”.
What is Spada Furtiva? It means “Stealth Sword” in Italian. The Pope designated this name to a small group of his best warriors that were sent by him on a secret mission to Iran in the year 1095. They are described in Barry Donadio’s book “That Day When Hell Froze Over “ that was published on August 17th 2019.
The fictional group of men is led by the character Perraluke Bellows Perrin. He was the first to be appointed by the Pope as a member of the Spada Furtiva due to his military veteran experience in the elite Varangian Guard(The bodyguards for the Byzantine Emperor). Perraluke formed the rest of the Spada Furtiva from other veterans he led before living in Rome.
Once formed, the Vatican paid for the Spada Furtiva to be trained as the most elite force in the world. Although they were a small force, they were then sent on a secret mission to the middle east. They have a run in with Satan and all hell breaks loose.
The book has created a bit of a modern day craze among weight lifters that are trying to mimic the fighting skills and physical training of the Spada Furtiva.
Donadio says that the Spada Furtiva is not only a group of men but a discipline way of life of a warrior. Be sure to check Donadio’s book that describes the Spada Furtiva in more detail. The book can be found on Amazon.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Barry Donadio’s 2nd Book, A Brilliant Example Of Christian Resistance From Evil

Barry Donadio’s 2nd published in August 2019 “That Day When Hell Froze Over”

The little known book that was recently released by Barry Donadio may end up being a brilliant example of Christian resistance from all evil and Satan. A must read book that could help readers form their own opinions on evil, good, and a higher power.
There is a bigger and broader story to be told in this book. We can only say so much without exposing the book’s contents to readers. Therefore, we won't. We want to save all the surprises and enlightenments inside this writing for those who explore its contents in detail. Be ready for some unexpected turns in this book that you may not be use to experiencing in other books.

Barry Donadio, Celebrity Author of “That Day When Hell Froze Over” seen in Baltimore, Maryland (Photo by Matthew Abbott)
Donadio said “ This book has gotten quite a following that I was not originally anticipating. More and more women are finding this book inspirational and it has become a must read for all Christians. The book has become a guide for a way to fight evil and Satan from its own merits”
But what are other people saying about this book so far?
An unidentified verified buyer of the book on Amazon wrote about the book:

“I liked the setting, the characters and the overall story. It was well written and kept my interest throughout the book. I was drawn to Mr. Donadio’s writings from his prior book, Flight 800, an interesting and fact based read.”

Another verified buyer of the book, Lori Woyteck stated:

“It held my attention from the beginning till the ending which really I wanted to read more about the lives of the people in it. From the beginning it was like mini-stories inside of mini-stories you had to follow each character to realize what important part they were playing it was amazing to watch how it all fell into place. Through the book all the mini-stories came together as one beautiful story about how to trust in your beliefs in a higher being, even though the devil will try his best in every shape and form. It kept me interested and I did read it within two days. I couldn’t wait to see what happened next.”

Susan Lang who bought the book on November 2019 wrote in a review:

“I very much enjoyed reading this book. The story was original. Was appropriate for the date and time in history. Will be reading it again. Also bought as gift for others.”

Donadio said; “ I will write additional books in this series based upon reader demands. I know there are alot of people searching for answers about some of the characters in the book and they want to know more. ”
Barry Donadio’s book “That Day When Hell Froze Over” is available for purchase on Amazon in soft cover and Kindle versions.