Barry Donadio TWA Flight 800 First Responder
On April 28th 2020, Barry Donadio a TWA Flight 800 First Responder and Former member of the U.S. Secret Service during the Bush and Obama administrations, thanked today’s First Responders and asked them to save New York from the Pandemic.
Barry Donadio shared a short inspirational video addressing Long Island First Responders that are on the front lines of the war against the COVID-19 coronavirus. He praised them for their brave and gallent actions and explained that they are responsible for saving thousands of lives. Understanding the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, Donadio asked Long Island First Responders to stay stong and save New York.
Barry Donadio is a native of Long Island, New York who led an honorable career Volunteer Emergency Medical Technician and a Volunteer Firefighter in New York. He also served in the New York Army National Guard 42nd Infantry Division and the New York Air National Guard 106th Rescue Wing Security Police, In 2002, he accepted a position in the United States Secret Service. He was assigned to the White House to protect Presidents Bush and Obama. He also served in multiple Middle Eastern war zones during his career.
In 2013, he authored the book “ TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account”. This is his account describing his actions during the rescue of TWA Flight 800 on July 17th, 1996.
Donadio published his the second book “That Day When Hell Froze Over” on August 17th, 2019.
Donadio continues to serve as the President of Public Security LLC. It is a high-profile private security and investigation firm that provides protection to high-risk clients in Maryland, New York, and dangerous overseas locations.
On April 17th 2020, President Donald J. Trump endorsed Nicolee Ambrose for Republican National Committee Maryland National Committeewoman for the May 2020 election.
In a letter sent to the Maryland Republican Party (MDGOP) Trump wrote:
“Nicolee Ambrose has been a strong supporter and has my endorsement for re-election”
Ambrose has received an overwhelming amount of of endorsements from conservative Maryland Republicans.
On April 17th 2020, the Sergeant at Arms of the Maryland Republican Party, Barry Donadio endorsed Ambrose.
Donadio’s endorsement follows the endorsement of Ambrose by Republican National Committeeman for Maryland David Bossie on April 7th 2020. Bossie also served as President Trump’s Deputy Campaign Manager.
One day before Donadio’s endorsement of Nicolee, the entire Harford County Maryland Republican Central Committee endorsed Ambrose.
“The endorsements for Ambrose keep coming in” said Donadio.
On April 22nd 2020, the Chairperson of the Maryland Young Republicans, Maria Sophia released a video endorsement of Ambrose.
Donadio predicts that Ambrose will get re-elected by overwhelming vote.