Barry Donadio was recently unanimously re-elected to lead Council #7941 of the Knights of Columbus in Chester, Maryland. He will serve his second one year term well into 2017. The council consists of 160 Catholic members devoted to charitable causes.
Barry Donadio's focus during his first year serving as the Grand Knight of Council #7941 was to promote new membership and fiscal responsibility among his Knights of Columbus council.
His goals remain the same during his second term, with one addition. His priority will be recruitment of young members into the council. Mr. Donadio stated "The Knights of Columbus need new young members from the millennial generation to carry on our rich tradition of giving and caring." "I encourage all Catholic men of 18 years or older to join us in our good works". "We are also looking for new members to use their talents for good"
Barry Donadio explained that he has carried on his Grandfather's legacy in the Knights of Columbus. His Grandfather was heavily involved in the Knights starting in the 1960's. He obtained a District Deputy position and was also Grand Knight of a council in Sayville, New York until the late 1980's.
The Knights of Columbus is a social and intellectual fellowship known for supporting educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works of the community. They work with the Parish Family Life Committee to offer family and child based activities, raise funds for parish needs and serve the greater Kent Island community.
Barry Donadio's Knights of Columbus council are always looking for new members. They meet the second and fourth Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. in the parish center at St. Christopher’s Roman Catholic Church in Chester, Maryland.
For more information about the Knights of Columbus Council #7941, please go to their Facebook page for updates.