Barry Donadio, formerly of the U.S. Secret Service and current President of Public Security LLC is now teaching the use of pistols to Maryland residents.
Under Maryland State law, residents are required to obtain a Handgun Qualification License (HQL) prior to purchasing a revolver or pistol.
In order to obtain the HQL, applicants are required to attend a 4 hour class on pistols and fire a pistol as a minimum qualification. The 4 hour classes are only authorized to be given by certified pistol instructors validated by the Maryland State Police. Mr Donadio currently holds the Instructor certification and is authorized to give the class. His classroom sessions are typically held on Saturdays from 7am to 12pm. He then brings class participants to various area shooting ranges to complete the qualification. He also instructs on a one on one basis with clients that request it.
The HQL can only be issued to applicants 21 years old or over. If you are 18 you may take the class which is good for 3 years, then apply for the license when applicant turns 21.
For upcoming classes, check Barry Donadio's company page at or the Public Security War Fighting Facebook page.