Sunday, September 11, 2016

Barry Donadio Second In Charge of Chestertown 4th Degree Assembly

On September 8th 2016, Barry Donadio was re-elected to be second in charge of the Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Assembly in Chestertown, Maryland. The Assembly consists of 4th Degree Knights for 3 eastern shore councils belonging to the Knights of Columbus organization. 
Barry Donadio's good friend Kenny Platt Sr was re-elected to led the Assembly and is in his third term. Mr. Platt's official title as the leader of this group is Worthy Faithful Navigator. 
Barry Donadio said this of Mr. Platt, " Kenny is wonderful and the perfect person to lead such a prestigious group. I am honored to serve in his Staff"
Mr. Donadio was re-elected as second in command of the group in September of 2016. His official title is Worth Faithful Captain. He is expected to take leadership of the Assembly by September 2017. 
The Father Lutz 4th Degree Assembly in Chestertown, Maryland has been active in community charity throughout the past year. Barry Donadio said, " We will be focusing most on charitable work towards helping our Military Veterans." Who else better to take up the cause then Barry Donadio, whom is a War Veteran and a former member of the U.S. Secret Service.
Kenny Platt Sr (left) with Barry Donadio September 2016

Barry Donadio To Host Large Knights Of Columbus Event on Kent Island in December 2016

Barry Donadio, the Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus Council #7941 will host that council's 35th Anniversary event on Kent Island. 
The event is set to be held on Saturday December 10th 2016 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at St. Christopher's Roman Catholic Church in Chester, Maryland.
The event is a black tie event and is free to attend for the entire community. Children are welcome to join us in our celebration. 
The event is expected to attract predominant religious and political leaders from across Maryland. 
Barry Donadio explains "This is a celebration of 35 years of charity and giving to the local community by a group of Catholic men devoted to helping the public. We look forward providing another 35 years of service to those in need."

Barry Donadio's Book Spurs The Interest Of Walmart

In August of 2016, Walmart began offering Barry Donadio's book for sale on its website. It is a privilege not offered to every book for sale on the market.
Barry Donadio released his book "TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account" back in September of 2013. Sales began globally by Amazon, Barnes & Noble and a dozen more reputable distributors. The book has steadily increased in sales, especially in 2016.
Mr. Donadio has also given away hundreds of copies for free to the public. He also conducted numerous book signing events that were open to the public. Most recently he led events commemorating the 20 year anniversary of the crash of TWA Flight 800 which occurred on July 17th 1996. Needless to say, he gave away scores of free copies of his book the TWA Flight 800 families during the 20th anniversary events.
Barry Donadio's book has been increasingly gaining interest, thanks to Walmart.  
Barry Donadio said, "It is an achievement to have your book sold by Walmart. Many other books written on the same subject as mine are not for sale on It took 3 years for them to notice it and market it on their website." "I never applied to have them sell my book, they did it on their own and I thank them for it."
Mr. Donadio,  was one of the first responding Emergency Medical Technicians on the night of the crash of TWA Flight 800 on July 17th 1996. In 1990, he originally served in New York as a Volunteer Firefighter with the Terryville Fire Department. After moving out of Terryville Fire District, he served in the Center Moriches Fire Department. In 1996, he was a 25 year old member of the East Moriches Community Ambulance, serving as a Volunteer EMT when the crash occurred. In 2002, he took a position at the White House in the U.S. Secret Service. He served on the elite Secret Service Emergency Response Team (ERT) under the Bush and Obama administrations. In 2014 he was elected to the Queen Anne's County Republican Central Committee in Maryland. He is currently the President of a unique private security and investigation firm that specializes in executive protection called Public Security LLC. He is currently working on his next book "America's Best Kept Secret".
To date of this article, he is still the only person who wrote a book referencing the crash of TWA Flight 800 that was actually at the rescue operations that night in 1996. 

Barry Donadio Installed As Grand Knight of Kent Island Knights Of Columbus Council 7941

Council #7941 of the Knights of Columbus installed new Officers on the evening of August 9th 2016. From left to right, the Officers are Deacon John Robinson as Chaplain, Greg Denny as Inside Guard, James Klunk as Advocate, Dave Jones as Warden, Mike McQuilan as Deputy Grand Knight, Barry Donadio as Grand Knight, Kenton Kilgore as Treasurer, Dean Hardman as Recorder,
Dave Burneston as Trustee. The new Officers will serve their terms for one year.
The Knights of Columbus is a social and intellectual fellowship known for supporting educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works of the community. They work with the Parish Family Life Committee to offer family and child based activities, raise funds for parish needs and serve the greater Kent Island community.
The Knights of Columbus are looking for new members of all ages and backgrounds. They meet the second and fourth Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. in the parish center at St. Christopher’s Catholic Church.
The council will have a free 35th Anniversary celebration on December 10th 2016 starting at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to come celebrate.

Barry Donadio Briefs TWA Flight 800 Families At Moriches Coast Guard Station On 20th Anniversary

Barry Donadio led events commemorating the 20 year anniversary of the downing of TWA Flight 800 on Long Island. The controversial crash occurred on July 17th 1996. There are still many people with questions as to why the plane crashed. Most people were attending events to remember their loved ones and friends.
Mr. Donadio authored the book "TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account". It was released in September 2013 and has been gaining more interest. The book is about his account of the evening the plane went down. He was an Emergency Medical Technician that responded to the scene of the rescue operations.
Donadio stated " I felt that it was important to remember the victims of the tragedy on the 20th anniversary. I was happy to meet families of some of the victims. We turned the 20th anniversary of a horrible event, into a positive day for all those who attended."
Mr. Donadio led victims families to the TWA Flight 800 Memorial in Shirley, New York as well as the TWA Flight 800 Memorials in East Moriches New York. With the cooperation of the U.S. Coast Guard Station in Moriches, he led the group to the Coast Guard station. The group was able to access the station while Mr. Donadio explained to the group what happened there on the night of July 17th 1996.

Barry Donadio Camp Says Vote Republican On November 8th 2016

Barry Donadio and Staff encourages all U.S. Citizens to vote Republican on November 8th 2016 during the election for President of the United States.
Mr. Donadio, was elected to the Queen Anne's County Republican Central Committee in Maryland, wants voters to vote Republican.
"We have but only one choice, and that choice is to vote for the Republican Candidate for President." he said.
Donadio believes in stimulating job growth here in America, preserving our constitutional rights, lowering taxes, saving social security, having a strong U.S. Military and supporting  our Police, Fire and Ambulance First Responders. 
Mr. Donadio also stated; " If you believe in the platform and beliefs that I have stated, (which are Republican) then you most certainly should vote Republican on election day."

Barry Donadio Re-elected To Lead Kent Island Knights Of Columbus Council

Barry Donadio was recently unanimously re-elected to lead Council #7941 of the Knights of Columbus in Chester, Maryland. He will serve his second one year term well into 2017. The council consists of 160 Catholic members devoted to charitable causes. 
Barry Donadio's focus during his first year serving as the Grand Knight of Council #7941 was to promote new membership and fiscal responsibility among his Knights of Columbus council.
His goals remain the same during his second term, with one addition. His priority will be recruitment of young members into the council.  Mr. Donadio stated "The Knights of Columbus need new young members from the millennial generation to carry on our rich tradition of giving and caring." "I encourage all Catholic men of 18 years or older to join us in our good works". "We are also looking for new members to use their talents for good" 
Barry Donadio explained that he has carried on his Grandfather's legacy in the Knights of Columbus. His Grandfather was heavily involved in the Knights starting in the 1960's. He obtained a District Deputy position and was also Grand Knight of a council in Sayville, New York until the late 1980's.
The Knights of Columbus is a social and intellectual fellowship known for supporting educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works of the community. They work with the Parish Family Life Committee to offer family and child based activities, raise funds for parish needs and serve the greater Kent Island community.
Barry Donadio's Knights of Columbus council are always looking for new members. They meet the second and fourth Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. in the parish center at St. Christopher’s Roman Catholic Church in Chester, Maryland.
For more information about the Knights of Columbus Council #7941, please go to their Facebook page for updates.